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Hi all need some advice on my ac.

I got it recharged last yeah back end of the summer as it had stopped blowing cold air, didn't think it made any difference but as we were hitting fall didn't think much of it.
skip to this yeah and its been rather warm so been trying to use my ac again with no luck, tried getting it gassed again incase there was a hole but no dice apparently it holds pressure.
What I am finding is if I bring air in from outside it seems cold ish outside temp 18 blowers are at 23.6 stuck a fridge probe in front of them, but if I recirculate the air the temp fly's up inside in front of the fans was at 33.8 so its hotter then outside which isn't right. From me looking I don't think the clutch is kicking in on the compressor, flywheel spins but clutch stays where it is put a bit of blue tape on the side and its still at the top after running ac for 20min. Is there anything else i can do to check before I end up back at the garage?

checked the 7,5amp fuse in dash that's fine.
ac button lights up so it has power in theory.

any help would be appreciated

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  • 3 weeks later...

have similar fault mine turns out toi be the pressure switch located on the condensor assume like myself the a/c light and on display says it is on. Suggest code reading the system

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